Where are those Freedom Fighters now ?

I speak of those that were at the top of alternative media just months ago. You know who they are. If you don’t, it was Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and the rest of the gang. Where have they gone? First a little back history … I lied. First is this: I’m not bashing these folks, I’m telling a story. I don’t know why I felt the need to say that. Guess I feel sorry for them. Again, I don’t know why.

Conspiracy Pals

There was a time back in the early 2000s when I was a follower of Jones and company. Not a devout follower mind you, never donated to the cause. But like a reporter looking for something to write about, which I was doing back then. While most of the stuff they posted back then was junk, every now and then something good hit the web. Jones was small potatoes at the time doing Y2K fear and predicting things like 9/11, so Jones says, If I recall.

As his base grew sometime I’d say around 2004-05, I think that’s when Jones brought in Watson from the U.K. who in a 2016 interview said, If Trump wins, I’m moving to America. How’d that go, Paul?

Then, as I recall sometime around 2008-09[maybe earlier] Jones became something that he wasn’t before. Most of the stuff on his website went from self published to parroting main stream media with a few rants of his and others mixed in. It’s like that today. As far as streaming videos go, I never watched Jones’ because the man had no control. Or as I called it, distraction video. He would start out well enough and then forget what the heck he was doing, ending somewhere in area 51 or some crap. I today feel this was intentional. I also feel that during this time in the late 2000s, Jones was bought. While I have no proof of this, how many small town folks like Jones come to garner a world wide audience save an evangelist. He had help. He didn’t amass his fortune selling supplements, vitamins, tactical and survivalist gear as some have said. They said this right about the time Jones was being banned from various social media platforms.

Where are they now since the bankers backers money is gone?

Jones was banned by all social media. Watson is still alive on some of social media. Their websites are still active. They do little in the way of writing as seen as recently as 2 months ago. As far as I can tell, Jones continues to rant on his home shown videos, while Watson still post to youtube and twitter. Watson’s latest video called “Love is a Mental Illness” is about as far from world news worthy or conspiracy stuff as Donald Trump tweets at 2 AM. Seems now Watson will come up with anything to get the hits and revenue from youtube. In either case, Jones or Watson, they’re nothing more today than ambulance chasers. They haven’t posted anything that others at the time aren’t talking about. Most articles on their sites are from others. I also here that the two are going through some infighting as well. Maybe just a rumor?

As I mentioned, I believe Jones to have been bought some time ago. I believe what is happening or has happened is likely a psyop. No, I don’t see Jones coming back anytime soon. He was used to convey a message to the rest of us on what you can and cannot say on the internet. I believe Jones has become useless to the ones who bought him and he was sacrificed. I also believe Jones is tired after nearly 20 years and want’s to retire while he can still enjoy life.

I could go on with my theories but wont. I’m now awaiting someone to step out of the shadows with a hit piece of news ‘fed’ them and become the next Alex Jones. Who will it be? Paul Joseph Watson? Likely a nobody with ties to the 3 letter companies. Or maybe Me, ha.

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